“La amistad” en el diagnóstico de Inglés de Secundario

Como parte del diagnóstico en Inglés los chicos de 6°A y B trabajaron a partir del artículo “Tell me who you hang out with…” (“Dime con quién andas y…”) del suplemento para adolescentes Write On! del Buenos Aires Herald.

La idea fue hacer un trabajo de comprensión tanto oral como escrito, analizando vocabulario, opiniones personales, creencias populares, puntos de vistas, etc.

Resolvieron algunos ejercicios y por último dieron sus opiniones sobre qué significa friendship (la amistad) para ellos.

Transcribimos sus opiniones:

Friendship is a recyprochal bond. It is very important for me because my friends are people who are always with me. I trust them and I talk about many things. They always help me when I need. We share secrets, good and bad moments, laughs.

We are always together.

Carolina González – 6to. B

In my opinion, I think that friendship is a way to be free. Nobody says what you have to do, what you have to think of, what ideas you must have. If you are in a friendship, your problems can be listened by your group, you become more responsible. In my case, I am in a group in which members are very funny and have an angel soul, and always help me.

Melina Perez, 6to. B

Friendship is very important for me because it is all when I am alone and sad. My friends are Mati, Nacho and Martín but my best friend is Nacho. With him I share the best experiences and play all day. Friendship is a good way to share your secrets. I go to different places with all my friends.

Juan Cruz Vera, 6to. B

Friendship is our possibility to choose a family, but not the common stereotype of our parents. Just brothers, lots of brothers that make you feel safe and identified with them. Friendship is more than hanging out with and a daily party of laughs and jokes. It is what allows you to share your fears and personal stuff, to cry when you feel sad and worry, to take care of them. It is a huge environment of trust which grows and makes us stronger, while members of that friendship grow and make stronger too.

Lucía Lopez, 6to. B

Friendship is very important for life, for me and the world. It gives us values, teachings and experiences. In life you have different phases. Friendship lasts in time. Friends listen to you, are confident, responsible.

It is true love.

Mariana Fariña 6to. B

I think that friendship and friends are very important for me because they are the persons who you spend a lot of time with and you can trust to tell them all your secrets. You have to value friendship and be with your friend in the good and bad moments. Friendship is a fellowship every moment and that helps you to grow up.

Daina Montaño 6to. B

My friends are very important for me because I have good relations. I can count on them. Friends will be with me forever. We share interests, similarities, values. They help me to grow up. We share time, for example, go to the park, cinema, parties.

Victoria Balbona 6to. B

Friendship is very important for the life of a person. Finding someone who you can really share a lot of time to and enjoy being with is really cool because you know you can count on your friend.

Rocío Rosales, 6to. A

We need friends to be happy and not to be alone. A kid without friends will be a sad and lonely teenager in the future. That teenager will be an adult who won´t be able to share anything with nobody.

Marina Bumbaca, 6to. A

I think that friendship can save the world because when we have friends, we help the other one; we listen, we do all that we can do to help them. I think that if the world have a better definition of friendship, the world would be better. Nowadays the problem is that everybody has friends, but nobody helps the other one or stay with them. They are only present in the good moments.

I love my friends and I think I could not live without them.

Brenda Farias, 6to. A

With my friends I share all of my life. They know all of me, and I know all of them. We try to advise each other the best.

We like going to Tigre, or a dancing club. The moments we share are the best.

I really enjoy spending time with them. I love them and I trust them much.

Julieta Peralta, 6to. A

Friendship for me is beautiful in every aspects, because we talk, share secrets, interests, time, place and codes.

Friends start to fill us with new factors, opinions, music, interests.

Sol Calvo, 6to. A

Friendship is a reciprocal bond between two or more persons with common interests, values, worries and codes. I spend 80% of my time with friends.

They turn bad days into happy ones, full of fun.

Daiana Suarez, 6to. A

I think that friendship is very important for people because they share different ideas, time, plans, and sharing comes. I love my friends they are crazy, nice, intelligent and they have similar objectives for the future. Friends fill us with what we lack.

Estefanía Brest